The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup and food. 厨房的橱柜里备有汤罐头和食品罐头。
The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup. 厨房的橱柜里堆满了罐装汤。
The shop is well stocked with goods of all kinds. 商店里各色货物,一应俱全。
On the other hand, it could be stocked with a bank of jokes to deploy during silences. 不过话说回来,机器人的头脑里可以储存一大堆笑话,在大家陷入沉默的时候丢出来一两个。
In nineteenth-century America, many saloons had a free lunch counter stocked with sliced meats, breads, hard-boiled eggs, and other good things to eat. 在十九世纪的美国,许多酒吧间有一个免费的午餐台,摆着肉片、面包、煮熟的蛋和其它好吃的。
Ask for a room with a mini-fridge and keep it stocked with healthy snacks like fruits, veggies, and nuts to avoid room service. 要一个有小冰箱的房间,藏点健康的零食,像水果、蔬菜和坚果,不要客房送餐服务。
And you need to keep it stocked with carbon filters and waste-tray liners. 你还得为它装好活性炭过滤器及废物盘内的衬垫。
A large bar is stocked with fine French wines. 走进一个大型酒吧,映入眼帘的是各种法国美酒,令人应接不暇。
Caroline Strong just bought a new refrigerator she keeps stocked with everything from vegetables to cans of juice. 卡罗琳·斯特朗新买了一台冰箱,她在里面塞了一大堆食物,从蔬菜到罐装果汁应有尽有。
Contractor shall provide a pantry and suitably stocked with basic amenities and supply of beverages and refreshments for the company personnel. 承包商应提供配备基本便利设施的餐具室,为业主人员供应饮料和甜点。
A small refrigerator, as in a hotel room, stocked with liquor and nonalcoholic beverages. 小酒吧冰箱一种内贮有酒和不含酒精的饮料小型冰箱,如在宾馆的房间里。
The bakeries in Shijiazhuang are fully stocked with this kind of pastry now, hoping to attract young people with traditional recipes. 石家庄的面包店现在摆满了这种糕点,希望用这种传统的制作方法来吸引年轻人。
This library is well stocked with rare books. I must admit I am very fond of collecting rare Books. 这个图书馆藏有大量珍本书。我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。
Are you just an exceptionally talented actor, or was your prop department well stocked with dime bags? 这到底是因为你是个天才演员,还是说你的小公寓里真的藏着好几袋家伙?
A shop well stocked with the latest fashions. 备有各种最新款式的商店。
Schools should promote hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette and be stocked with appropriate supplies. 学校应提倡手部卫生和咳嗽礼仪并适当储备相关物资。
Spaceships are stocked with a variety of instant foods. 宇宙飞船上备有各种个样的方便食品。
A retail store serving a sparsely populated region; usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise. 在人口稀少的地区开的零售店;里面卖的商品范围很广。
Her fridge tends to be stocked with every kind of product, except what she herself would want. 她的冰箱倾向于装满除没有她自己想要的以外的每种食品。
The back porch adjoined a big woodshed, stocked with fuel for the stoves. 走廊旁边是一个大木棚,里面堆放着火炉的燃料。
His toolbox was always stocked with a quantity of cheap brass screws. 他的工具箱里总是堆满了许多便宜的铜螺钉。
Their fridges are stocked with fruit, vegetables and healthy meat. 他们的冰箱贮藏着水果,蔬菜和有益于健康的肉类。
Outside Prato's city walls, Via Pistoiese has become a Wenzhou Chinatown with restaurants, nightclubs ( which bar non-Chinese) and supermarkets stocked with Chinese goods. 普拉托市城墙外的ViaPistoiese,现在已变成一座温州中国城,遍地是餐馆、夜总会(非中国人禁止入内)和堆满中国商品的超市。
Rivers well stocked with fish; a well-stocked store. 常年都有很多鱼的河流;储备过多的仓库。
Our camp is well stocked with everything we need for a short stay. 我们营中凡短期居留所需之物都有充分的储备。
Small, shallow ponds have been stocked with red swamp crawfish and are managed for commercial production. 又小又浅的池塘里挤满了克氏螯虾,并被用于商业化的养殖。
But what ultimately wins over most wavering job seekers is the sight of gleaming laboratories stocked with state-of-the-art equipment. 但最终使大多数犹豫不决的求职者下定决心的,还是那些有着一流装备的闪亮的实验室。
The refrigerator is stocked with fresh fruit. 冰箱里放有许多新鲜水果。